

  1. Bow and draw arms to hips.
  2. Step into right Sanchin stance.  Thrust downward; draw arms up into Sanchin arm position.
  3. Do left arm movement.  Straighten right foot (bring heal in), step…
  4. Into left Sanchin.  Perform right arm movement.  Straighten left foot, step …
  5. Into right Sanchin stance.  Perform left arm movement, Pivot on ball of left foot, turn into
  6. Left Sanchin.  Perform right arm movement.  Straighten left foot, step into …
  7. Right Sanchin stance.  Perform left arm movement, Pivot on ball of right foot, step into …
  8. Left Sanchin.  Perform right arm movement.  Straighten right foot, step into
  9. Right Sanchin stance.  Perform left arm movement, Pivot on ball of left foot, turn into …
  10. Left Sanchin.  Perform right arm movement.  Pivot on ball of left foot, step into …
  11. Right Sanchin stance.  Perform left arm movement, Pivot on ball of right foot, straightening it, step into …
  12. Left Sanchin.  Perform right arm movement.  Straighten left foot, step into
  13. Right Sanchin stance.  Perform left arm movement, then three double thrusts.  Step to the right, facing the right in a
  14. Right Sanchin stance.  Perform Wa-Uke.  Turn 180 degrees into ..
  15. Left Sanchin stance.  Perform Wa-Uke, then
  16. Step forward and to the right, perform Wa-Uke.

Bring your right leg back parallel to your left.  Hands go into a closed gate position.  End

Kata with a bow.